Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1778.08.11

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Index Entry Burden, Derry down, of lyric [beg] Ye poor simple people, who foolishly 
Location London 
11 Aug 1778:41
From the London Evening Post.
Tune-- A Cob'er there was, &c.
Ye poor simple people, who foolishly think, 
That the glory of Britain is likely to sink;
Your affairs will soon prosper, recover your frights, 
For the Hero of Minden will set them to rights.
Derry down, &c.
. . . [7 verses follow with burden, "Derry down, &c."]
[signed] Tomahawk.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1778.08.11 
Publisher Dunlap, John 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0040314
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